The announcement was made on friday 11 november 2011,during a press briefing by scientific research and innovation minister Dr Madeleine Tchuente.
The three days event placed under the banner of the head of state Paul Biya,will see the participation of several researchers across the national triangle converging to the 20th may boulevard to show-case their know-how;following this 2011 theme being: »scientific research,innovation and entrepreneurship in cameroon
Created in accordance to decree N°2005/091 of March 29, 2005 of the ministry of scientific research and innovation,JERSIC has as main focus that to animate, coordinate and follow up research activities across the national territory in abid to promote socio-cultural development as well as to follow-up the valorisation and dissemination of research results.
As the third edition of JERSIC is about to unfold, cameroonians just like others interested in research activities will be exposed to recent innovations undertaken so far by people in the domain.
JERSIC innovations
With regards to this year’s theme: »scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship in cameroon. »,this exhibition first of all falls within the framework of the cameroon government to position innovation in the national entreprise as a yard stick in the promotion of competitiveness and the creration of riches and employment on the socio-economic and cultural emergence.
secondly, proposed themes to be debated during these national days of excellence, mainly lie on preoccupations and problems that plague the research sector.This will therefore pave the way to proposed solutions from researchers, stakeholders and utilisers of research activities covened to this cometogether for their expertise.
infact,the three principal themes targetted for analyses will be centered on:
1.scientific research and innovation;engine of entrepreneurship.
2.valorisation and dissemination of research results;stakes and perspectives.
3.Entreprise research relations;stakes and perspectives.
Reseach and innovation boss,while addressing the media present did not hesitatec to challenge them,to entirely participate in the coverage of the three day event as a special award will be attributed to the best reporter or media.
JERSIC could be described as the gateway to research development as it offers a high number of prizes to the various participants notably:
The prize of excellence for the valorisation of innovation within the enterprise for the president of the republic being 10.000.000CFAfrancs to be shared between the first three winners.
The said prize according to Dr Madeleine Tchuente is opened to all various researchers in small and medium sized enterprises,small and medium sized industries, economic groups etc with the aim to recompensate their efforts and valorise their capacities.
The « Lion d’or » prize of scientific excellence 2011 just like in the previous editions shall be attributed to winners of the entire community and it is estimated to 10.000.000CFA francs.Some other organs functioning under the banner of the ministry of research and innovation will as well attribute prizes in the various specific domains such as the junior award worth 500.000CFA francs and the senior award worth1.000.000CFA francs.
More striking at this year’s exhibition is the announcement of the disbursement of some 1 billion 122 million CFA francs put aside by the host ministry in collaboration with the french cooperation for the debt relief contract in agro research domain.
Remarkable was the appeal of communication minister, ISSA TCHIROMA BAKARY who seized the opportunity to call media practitioners to greatly involve themselves in the coverage of the upcoming event so as to valorise in their own way research activities in cameroon.
JERSIC being at its third phase is organised after every two years;the first edition launched in 2007 was an opportunity to reflect on the theme: »scientific research and the fight against poverty ».
The second edition in 2009 that brought together cameroonians of the diaspora like Mr Mola David of the mola solar international system in Germany was fruitful as it portrayed how effecive and efficient cameroonians were advanced in research and innovations.
The third edition underway will therefore come to expose on the arena the various skills and initiatives of talented researchers of cameroon and no doubt promote the current programmes set in motion by the government in this fruitful domain of science and innovation.
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